Asset rich?

 Unlock the value of your land. 


Brand new townhouse


No more maintenance


Stay local

 Retain development profits. 

Recent HIA Awards

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Our beautifully executed designs and our proven construction expertise, make Lowe Design & Build homes and townhouses some of the most highly regarded residences in the bayside area.

Building a home that is both innovative in design and will stand the test of time within bayside elements is no simple feat. With Lowe Design & Build, you will enjoy the benefit of our years in the business and the daily pleasure of living in a meticulously crafted home.

Learn how Pru & Hamish developed their land without funding the build.


I thought it was all very glamorous choosing the house and seeing this beautiful design but I thought, we'll never sell half our block, because to me it was the barbecue and a bit of grass and Hamish's garage. And I thought,  it probably won't sell. I could not believe it, it just sold the next day!

Pru & Hamish | Brighton East


Light Filled Interiors

Custom Designed Single Residence

Side by Side Townhouse Elegance

Key Elements

Multi Townhouse Project

Client testimonial


"We wanted to build a home that made the most of the beautiful view and gave us more of the things in a house than we've ever been able to have before. We found Lowe excellent to work with. It was the little things and the attention to detail, the finish and the beauty, we really enjoy the home its a wonderful place to live.

Our experience was excellent, I cant fault them, they have helped us all the way along with making decisions and getting the home that we wanted. It was a pleasure working with the staff, we highly recommend them."

Janelle & David | Beaumaris